Frequently Asked Questions

With each subscription you get one production and one CLI Server. We strongly recommend to use the CLI server for development and once you are ready to go, create a Production server deployment. You can download the cli client from npm: @wonderlandcloud/cli
CLI Servers are special server designed for development purposes. You can connect to these servers via the cloud-cli client and stream logs in realtime. Also, any local changes in your current server project will be uploaded to the CLI Server and published in realtime. Additionally, a special command will be send to any connected client instance which is using the @wonderlandcloud/client package and trigger a page reload. This flow allows you to rapidly develop and test new features on the fly. Please note, that CLI Servers will only be started and stay online if there is at least one active CLI debug connection. In case no CLI debug connection exists, the server will be automatically shutdown, regardless of any active player connections. Also, there are no persistent packages for CLI Servers, so you can create a CLI Server without an initial server package and you cannot use the cloud-cli to update the package file. If you still try to do this, the command with explicitly fail. To permanently publish your server code, a production server needs to be created.
These servers are meant to run your public server code permanently. A initial package file is needed for creating a production server deployment. The package file can later be updated via the cloud cli client and this flow can be integrated into your CI pipelines. Production servers do not offer a debug option, however we will add other debugging capabilities, like a log explorer or alerting in case of server crashes in the future. Production servers will be scaled down if there are no active players connected to them for at least 5minutes. On the first player connection, the server is started, which usually takes around 10-15s. All this happens automatically, so you do not have to worry about anything, simply use the @wonderlandcloud/client and we take care about the rest!
We offer two different types of audio mixing. The first one is the starter package, which uses panned audio mixing. The basic package offers HRTF audio mixing which is using Head Related Transfer Functions to mix and compute the audio based on the players position in the 3D space. We recommend panned audio mixing if you want to make some simple games and sound orientation is not important for you. For a truly immersive experience, the HRTF Audio is a must.